Directions from Montréal to Lavaltrie

Directions to get to Spécialiste Véhicules Récréatifs starting from Montréal

You are looking for a recreational vehicle for the warm season and live in the Montréal region? You will be happy to learn that the RV specialist in Lavaltrie is less than an hour's drive from Montréal and offers a wide selection not only of fifth wheels et de travel trailers, but also of the three major classes: A, B, C. By following the directions below and referring to the interactive map, you will easily find our RV dealership from Trois-Rivières. You will find at Spécialiste Véhicules Récréatifs a vast choice of new RVs and pre-owned RVs at very good prices. You can also get information on the different financing options, and the after-sale service for maintenance and repair of your vehicle. Come and meet out team today!

  1. Starting from Montréal, take highway 40 going to Trois-Rivières
  2. Take exit 108 towards road 341 (L'assomption, L'épiphanie)
  3. Keep to your left, following directions to road 343 (Saint-Sulpice)
  4. Take exit for road 343 (L'assomption, St-Sulpice)
  5. Turn right on Montée St-Sulpice (road 343 south)
  6. Turn left on Notre-Dame street (road 138)
  7. Follow Notre-Dame street until you arrive (about 10km)

Spécialiste Véhicules Récréatifs will be located on your left, on the corner of streets St-Laurent & Notre-Dame, more precisely at 791 Notre-Dame, Lavaltrie.

You can also see our general directions page.

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